Plytas-Macropoulos, Maria-Laura

Maria Laura Plytas Macropoulos is a Holistic & Spiritual Counsellor with special interest in Counselling, Holistic Health, Energy Healing, Eco Green Environmental Living and Lifestyle, Clutter Clearing and Organising. She holds a BA in Counselling and a MA in Humanistic Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy. Prior to these studies she specialised in Insurance Studies with a Masters Degree in Business Administration. She has worked for 12 years in the Insurance Industry, however her interestin Counselling made her make a turn in both her studies and her carrier. Today she is a Certified Green Building Designer. She is involved with the spiritual world and has become an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and an Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner. She has attended many healing courses and is committed to her spiritual growth. Currently, she is writing her second book: “A Guide to a Greener and Ecological way of Living”. Maria Laura is a member of National Association of Green DesignersUSA and The Reiki Association UK.